Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Curse of Realization....

So, as mentioned several times in the last few days, Spring Break is only a week and a half away. Today, I was thinking how slowly that week seems to be coming. When I didn't realize how close it actually was I was amazed at how quickly time seemed to be flying by. Now that I realize its only 6 school days away time is dragging slower than ever. Why is that always the case? And of course as slowly as it comes it will be over even quicker.

At the same time, I'm really not ready for it to be here b/c that means the semester is that much closer to being over, finals are that much closer to being here, and I am that much closer to being a 3L. To most that would be a great realization. For me however, it is terrifying. Then I have to take the bar, pass the bar, and find a job. I would much rather be an eternal student. At least in graduate school I can be an adult without having to be an adult. Boo to growing up. I want to be a toy's-r-us kid....

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